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Compelling Services that you are Qualified to Offer.

Delivering the Ultimate Advisor Session

Key Principles, Flexible Structure

Because no two advisors are exactly the same, advisory sessions can differ wildly in approach. Steph, Sam and Richard all structure our advisory work in different ways, but they're all effective because we employ the same key principles:

  1. Active listening: you can’t solve an issue or help reach a goal if you don’t know what they are. Listen to what your clients have to say, ask questions that encourage confidence, and don’t be afraid of going on a tangent. You never know what you might pick up if your ears are open wide.
  2. Regular, consistent meetings: it’s important that you and your clients meet and interact often, so that you’re always across anything and everything that might arise. Try to see all your clients monthly, although you may need to have a few ad hoc crisis sessions as well.
  3. Meet the needs of your clients and community: while high advisory fees are a part of the work, be mindful of the needs of your potential client pool. Steph created her L-Platers program to cater to startups who can’t afford full advisory services, but still needed a helping hand. What she found was that once they found their feet, many of them retained Growthwise’s full services, and stayed loyal, high value customers.
  4. Get your team invested in your clients’ success: advisory shouldn’t be the domain of a few specialists. Get your whole team on board, and work together to change outcomes and make the lives of business owners better.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to advisory, and you need to create a structure that works for you and your firm. As long as you’re consistent in your methods, progress should be made.


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Series Modules

Define Your Why
Define Your Why
Global Advisory Trends, Why the Time is Now
Global Advisory Trends, Why the Time is Now
Menu of Services & Strategies
Menu of Services & Strategies
Define your Services
Define your Services
Ideal Clients
Ideal Clients
Questions to Engage
Questions to Engage
Reporting-Led Services
Reporting-Led Services
Forecasting-Led Services
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